Thursday, January 30, 2014

Savannah Snow Day & PHM Updates!

So, since Tuesday at noon I have been out of my college classes.  Technically we started again at 10 a.m. this morning, but my class was 9:30-11:20 and my teacher just cancelled it.  Why has everything been canceled?  Due to "forecasted hazardous conditions".  What has happened outside?  It drizzled.  We got ice drops on signs.  Not even big enough to be considered icicles, just little baby drops of ice. Granted, many other places in the state, such as Atlanta, had read problems with the snow and ice.  I don't discredit those at all.  But Savannah had literally nothing.  I drove yesterday.  There wasn't a single square inch of ice on the roads.  The temperature didn't drop below 25 degrees or so.  It's supposed to get up to 62 tomorrow, and 70 on Saturday (for my first half!).  But I've basically been out of school for two total days now, and personally I think that's ridiculous.  But that's just my rant!

On a much happier and less frustrated note, PHM bib numbers and corrals came out!  I'm bib 25414 for the Glass Slipper Challenge, in Corral M.  Sure, that's certainly not as high as I want, but I'm a slow runner.  At least I'm not last!  For more info about the corral system, Julie put up a wonderful guide here and the lovely women of We Run Disney even have the maps up here!  This is making everything so absolutely real. I have my MagicBands and I'll be at Disney in 22 days!  I need to start making a packing list!  Ack, so much excitement over here!

How's your weather been?  What's your bib number/corral if you're running Princess weekend?

Friday, January 24, 2014

Five Things Friday

Hi everyone!  I know I really need to update more often, but I'm trying for at least once a week right now.  I just feel like I don't have anything to say that takes up a whole blog post which is why I like Five Things Friday!  Then I can include everything at once and it each gets it's own little mention.

1. Cupid's Undie Run!  This is February 15th in Charleston, and many other cities across the country. It's about a 1.5 mile run in your undies!  I need to pick up something cute and not too revealing to wear.  It's raising money for Children's Tumor Foundation.  I promise I'm only this crazy for a good cause!  If you happen to want to donate you can donate here.  I don't have a fundraising goal or requirement or anything, I just happen to think it's a great cause!  While there are incentives if you reach certain amounts, I don't think I'll get to any, so don't worry about that if you see it on the page!

2. My first half marathon!!! This is on next Saturday, February 1st.  I'm terrified because I feel like I'm completely undertrained, but also pretty excited!  It's for the Critz Tybee Run Fest.  They have a 5k Friday night, and then Saturday morning has (in order) a 10k, the half marathon, a 2.8 mile beach run, and a 1 mile run.  If you do all of the events, it equals a full marathon!  They also have a kid's fun run, but I'm not sure which day.  I was planning on doing all of the events but then got wayyyy behind in my training, so I'm doing the 5k and the half now.  I'm a little bit disappointed, and was going to try for all of them, but I don't want to put myself out of commission because...

3. Princess Half Marathon!  It's less than a month away and I am more than excited!  I think it's going to be an absolutely wonderful event, and I feel like I'll be able to stay away from the balloon ladies this time.  Plus, I'll be able to see Rachel, who I met at Tower of Terror, and meet so many lovely bloggers I follow through the #runnerslove meet-up that Meg and Kristy are putting on!  I'm so so excited for this.

4. School!  I've had two weeks of school now and all of my classes are great.  There's a lot of discussions in all of them instead of just straight lecture, which I love, since everyone has different experiences and backgrounds.  It's great to hear different perspectives.  Plus, in one of my classes we have to (I say get to!) do 30 hours of field experience.  We aren't student teaching or anything, but we get to observe in the classroom and start to work with kids.  I love that we get to do this in an intro level course!

5. Moving!  I get to move in May!  My boyfriend and I are moving in with our friend who just got home from the Marines a couple weeks ago.  Don't get me wrong, I love my roommate and our apartment now (especially being a mile from school).  Buuuut, I'm always excited for a new adventure, and the new apartment will be bigger, and have storage space, and is nicer, and more centrally located.  Wow, that was a run on sentence!

I have a lot to be excited about lately!  What about you?

Friday, January 17, 2014

My Musical Secrets

Mar at Mar on the Run! posted in a blog group on Facebook a little while ago about creating a playlist link-up, and I definitely got interested!  First, I'd never been involved in a link-up before (I think I'm too small of a blog to) and second I absolutely adore music!

I will admit that during my runs, I generally tune out my music and couldn't tell you what songs played when.  With that said, however, if I try to run without music I absolutely hate every step of it! I need the beat in the background to keep me going, even if I have no idea what's playing.  There are a few exceptions to the drowning it out rule though, songs that make me want to keep running even through my walk intervals!

1.  A-Punk by Vampire Weekend - this is always my start-up song!

2.  American Idiot by Green Day

3.  Cannibal by Ke$ha

4.  Dog Days Are Over by Florence + the Machine

5.  Mickey by Toni Basil

6.  Our Song by Taylor Swift

7.  Pursuit of Happiness by Kid Cudi

8.  Teenage Dream (Kascade Remix) by Katy Perry

9.  U Can't Touch This by MC Hammer

10.  It's Tricky by Run-DMC

These aren't in any order, and I'm not really sure why they work but they do!  I'm looking to incorporate some of the more modern pop things as well (Miley Cyrus, things like that) but haven't gotten around to downloading yet.

What suggestions do you have?


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Training Plan - any input?

So, I put together my training plan through the beginning of June (when the last half I'm registered for is), and being a rookie I'd love for someone else to take a look at it as well.  Now I know things won't go exactly as planned, and I'm completely ok with that.  I even messed up yesterday's 10 already by doing 5, when it was originally planned for Saturday.  But it's cold out and I wanted to wait until the school gym opened up to use the treadmill, and then I forgot how awful the treadmill was.  I need to learn to suck it up in the cold!

At any rate, here it is, and I'd love any thoughts!

Have you ever created and questioned your own training plan?  What do you think of this one?
