Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Rock n Roll Savannah: Remix Challenge

This past weekend, my sister Cori and I did the Remix Challenge for Rock n Roll Savannah by doing the half on Saturday and the 1 mile on Sunday.  This will be a wordy review - just grab a coffee now ;)

She got into town late Wednesday night.  Then we stayed up until like 4 in the morning....I'm still trying to fix my sleep schedule!  Thursday we popped into the expo in between my two classes.  We got there around 3 or 3:30, I believe.  We had no wait anywhere at all in the expo.  We found some new foods we liked, signed up to win free races, and spend way more money than we should have.  It was a really fun time, and I actually liked having the time constraint of getting back to class; I think it stopped me from spending even more money!  I've heard rumors that others had issues with the expo on Friday.  I guess that is one benefit to being local!

Saturday morning we woke up far too early, around 4:30.  We hopped in the car and headed to Hutchinson Island (the Convention Center across the river).  Going over the Talmadge was terrifying with all of the fog!  We couldn't see any other cars until we were super close to them.  But we made it safely and made our way onto the ferry.  Will stayed with us in/next to the corral until it was almost time to take off.  RnR didn't start letting runners off until around 7:15 instead of 7.  It wasn't a huge deal, but there was nothing communicated that I heard about why we were running late, so that was slightly unnerving.  I read later it was due to the fog, but we still started in heavy fog so that makes no sense to me.  Oh well! 

I was in corral 18 and she was in 21, which were just assigned based on our estimated finish time.  After corral 10, I believe, they didn't have the corrals fenced in and weren't checking numbers, so we started in 18.  According to Will we actually went off with what they announced as 19, I guess just due to people feeding in as we walked up.  We were right in front of the corral and took off running down Bay St.  I did get confused at first.  In my sleep deprived brain, I just knew I'd run the event before, but none of what we were running looked familiar.  Silly me forgot I did the relay, and only ran the second half - that was much more comfortable and familiar, and in a part of town I actually knew.

Going into this race, Cori and I both knew we were undertrained.  Neither of us had been running or working out.  After Spartan on Sept. 19, I went to yoga a couple times and weight lifted maybe 3 times, but that was about it.  We didn't know what was going to happen in this race.  Running wasn't working for her, but I kept on with my intervals as long as I could.  Spoiler alert: We later found each other anyway!  Here's my breakdown of the race.

Before the half
The ferry ready to board
Clearly, our spectator is enthusiastic
Start line selfies!
Just running through zombie fog...nbd
Mile 0 - 5ish - We were in the ghetto, there's no easy way to say that.  There were condemned houses right and left, we went through the train stockyards, over multiple train tracks, etc.  Not the best way to showcase Savannah, and not a part of town I'd ever been in before.  That said, the locals were out all over the place and every one of them was offering continuous good mornings, good jobs, God blesses, etc.  They were pleasant and nice and super supportive!  The only exception to this was a small group of people 'protesting' about someone a cop had killed, etc.  This was around mile 2 and was not something I found appropriate to the race.  I just tried to block it out.  

Mile 1: 14:29
Mile 2: 14:02
Mile 3: 16:46 (fixing shoe and water stop)
Mile 4: 15:33

Mile 5 - 7 - No, this is not broken up evenly.  I tried to mentally break this race into 5ks to get through it, but this recap is based on how I think of the race.  This brought us into the "normal" part of historic downtown and into familiar territory for me.  Also just past the 10k mark is the relay transition zone, so then it was the part of the course I'd actually run before too.  More spectators were out with signs and enthusiasm, a great band was in the middle of Oglethorpe Ave, and it was a great time.  Mile 5 was when I started being affected by the heat, and a lot of pain started kicking in, and I truly slowed down.  Somewhere just past mile 5, I took a bathroom break, and it truly helped just to have a moment to reset.  That unfortunately only lasted for about a mile, and then I started having bad pain in my bad foot.  At the 10k mark, we turned onto Oglethorpe.  The course takes you down about half a mile, and then there's the turn around to go back up the other side of the road.  They were starting to divert people here and made them turn around before the rest of us.  This is where I caught up with Cori.  She had thankfully found a buddy to walk with, and I began walking with the two of them.  I walked through mile 7 to try to deal with the pain that was now in my bad foot, knee, and both hips.

Mile 5: 16:39 (heat and pain started kicking in)
Mile 6: 18:43
Mile 7: 19:53

Loved this group!

Mile 8 - end - Around 7.5 I tried to start my intervals again.  Spoiler alert - it didn't work.  Around 8.5 is the first time we really had to deal with the sun.  Don't get me wrong, there were definitely heat and humidity problems before that, but they were just compounded by the sun.  A few things I haven't mentioned that happened before this point - water stations were already out of water.  They still had cups and were filling them from local hoses.  I know this definitely happened at at least one stop because the hose was right next to the station, and might have happened at others, I couldn't tell you.  There's no denying it was hot, and we were at 100% humidity.  I was running hot at some times, but scarily cold at others - with a heat index of over 80 degrees, there's no reason I should have been cold, and definitely took that as a cue to take it easy.  There was also a station in this section who had water somehow, but was out of cups.  They were literally pouring water into people's hands - totally ineffective by the way.

Just past mile 9 was where we were diverted on Henry St.  There was also an angel of a lady with a huge cooler full I knew I wasn't far ahead of Cori because I'd barely run since I left her, so I just waited.  Since we were going to get in early, I knew Will might not be at the finish line yet, and I couldn't cross that finish line without someone there for me.  Plus, I figured it wasn't like I had a good rhythm going anyway, so I might as well have some fun until the finish and spend some time with my sister.  They were turning us before these next couple pictures, but she wanted a selfie with them and they didn't insist we turn yet, so we pressed on a couple tenths of a mile.  We could have gone up further before being forced to turn, but decided to do so after the big inflatable.  

Right before we turned around
But first - one more selfie
Unfortunately, after the turn, we had absolutely no freaking clue where we were.  We didn't know how long until the finish, which makes me very nervous.  I don't like not knowing where my mileage is, no matter how slow I'm moving, but it was just something I had accepted.  It turns out we were about a mile and a half from the finish when we turned around.  Cori, Michelle (the walking buddy she had found) and I walked ourselves into the end.  We were hot, we were tired, we were dehydrated, and we were in pain.  Well, I know Cori and I were, I suppose I shouldn't speak for others.  We had merged back in with the full marathoners, and tried to avoid getting in their way.  We talked, we laughed, we tried to make the best of the situation.

Finally, we came across the finish line.  We ran for all the photographers towards the end, and of course across the finish line.  I came in at 11.45 miles in 3:20:24 (moving time 3:10:04).

Mile 8: 16:52
Mile 9: 18:33
Mile 10: 21:45
Mile 11: 19:03
Last .45: 8:00

After - Thankfully, we found Will quickly and got out of the finisher's area as fast as we could.  I was in too much pain and couldn't handle people at that point.  We got about half a block down and sat on a stranger's front steps (sorry stranger!).  I was trying to calm down and let my body process what just happened.  We drank chocolate milk and listened to Rascal Flatts from afar.  We switched running shoes for flip flops and I put on compression sleeves.  We had about a mile walk down Abercorn St to get to the ferry to get back across to Hutchinson.  We made a couple stops along the way because of the pain I was in.  Oh, and to get Leopold's and beer.

It was a decent race overall.  I have a lot of conflicting thoughts.  I didn't perform as I could have both due to lack of training and due to the heat.  Spoiler alert - even people who live here are not prepared for 80+ temps and 100% humidity in November.  When I did this race 2 years ago, it was freezing at the start and I was warm but not scorching hot in long sleeves.  I believe last year it started out around 50 degrees.  There's absolutely no reason water stops should have been out of water or cups.  Many people went to the hospital due to heat related issues, and sadly one person died.  Another died later that day after collapsing in a post-race shower.  They were tough conditions and I don't mind missing the 1.6 miles I don't have, but I know some do.  It was a tough call to make.

On the long walk back to the car
The 1 Mile

The next, the weather was perfect for running! Low 60's and drizzling rain.  We headed over to Daffin and found parking a lot more easily than expected.  Yes, all the locals were in long sleeves and pants.  Yes, they looked at Cori like she was crazy for wearing shorts and short sleeves.  I was wearing CW-X compression capris.  They helped SO much and I felt so much better while I wore them!  I probably need one size up but oh well.

I did 2 minutes run:1 minute walk and finished in 12:07.  I was proud of myself because I ran the first .2 straight and the last .27!  When I was about to start running I was at .73 and told myself I could run the last quarter mile.  It was difficult and I was going to stop for a few seconds and catch my breath, but there were soldiers stationed along the last .15-.2 and I couldn't stop in front of them! So I just pushed on.  

I've never run the day after a half before, and I think it helped a TON with making my legs feel better!  
Before the 1 mile

We couldn't take a picture there because of the rain, and how cold we got after we stopped running.  But we picked up our Remix medals and went home and took a picture there.  Unfortunately, it was blurry, but we're still cute!

Blurry - but all the medals!

Were you involved in RnR Savannah weekend? What were your thoughts on the heat?

I'm linking up with PattyErika, and Marcia for Tuesdays on the Run.  They're talking about Post Race Celebrations this week - go check them out! Our celebrations included lots of food, naps, and milkshakes!


Monday, November 2, 2015

November Goals

Hello Blogger World, and enjoy a day late welcome to November!

I wanted to share with you my goals for November, and then an update at the end of the month!

Two overarching goals I have currently (from my National Society of Leadership and Success) are:
1. Lose 15 lbs by December 31.  This will put me at 150 lbs.  Most of my monthly goals relate to this.

2. Get into graduate school before I graduate undergrad.  Ha, that's a fun sentence ;) As of right now, my biggest concerns with this are taking the MAT and writing my letter of intent.  My application is due January 30, but I'm hoping to get it in by the end of the year.

Specific to November:
1. Have my parents over for dinner.  I moved into the condo in May and really should have before now.

2. Have all my school work completed by 11/23.  I have a few tests that of course I have no control over, and a few big projects I'm still working on.

3. Have all Christmas supplies purchased so I can use December to craft.

4. Lose any amount of weight.  I don't want to put a specific amount because I don't want too much pressure, but I am keeping in mind my overall goal which seems more difficult every day.

5. Don't weight myself until Thanksgiving morning.

6. Eat out a maximum of 2 times per week, whether it's take out, fast food, or sit down.

7. Finish 2 half marathons (Rock and Roll Savannah on 11/7 and Space Coast on 11/29).

8. Work out three times a week minimum.  This includes yoga, running (30+ min.), Crush (weight lifting - it's an awesome program if you've never heard of it!), or other activities (I do a lot of dance videos at home on YouTube and again, 30+ min. to count).

9. Go to yoga at least once a week.

10. Save $25 per week minimum.  I'm not being smart financially and this needs to change drastically!

What are your big goals for November?

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Blogger Identity Crisis

Hello blogging word!

I apologize again for yet another radio silence.

I've been having somewhat of a blogger identity crisis.  I'm supposed to be a "running blog".  However, the problem with this is that I haven't done much running as of late.  I therefore feel that I have nothing to blog about.  But I do have a lot of other things going on in my life!

SO, I'm going to start blogging about my entire life.  School, running and working out when it happens, teaching, anything that's going on.  Hopefully this is ok with y'all.  I don't think I have too many loyal followers anyway, so maybe I can use this to build a following instead =P

I'm going to keep my name, because I do still have a long term goal of running a half in every state.  But I'm going to start blogging comprehensively, with at least a weekly recap each week!

Does anyone have questions about my life to get me started? Anything at all you'd like to know?

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Ft. Bragg Spartan Sprint Recap

April from Run the Great Wide Somewhere, Patty from My No Guilt Life, and Erika from MCM Mama Runs host Tuesdays on the Run. This week they're talking about what they won't run without.  While I do have a pretty good list for it, I'm going to tell you instead about a run I did "naked"!

On September 19, I did my first Spartan Race.  I became a Spartan that day, and it truly changed my life.  

Here are my biggest takeaways: 
1. I can do more than I thought, physically and mentally.
2. I can now approach the world by replacing "I can't" with "Maybe not today, but I can get there eventually."
3. I know I don't have nearly as much to be afraid of.

It was a Sprint at Ft. Bragg.  It's not technically on base, but it's Ft. Bragg property.  Start and finish on a beach lake in a recreational area they have.  

We got there an hour and a half early, like the instructions said to.  Paid our $10, parked, and walked to check in.  It was about a half mile from where we parked to the check in.  I'm definitely glad we had my Jeep! We were parked essentially in sand with sticks and roots and whatnot sticking out of it.  Checked in and got my packet.  I decided not to wear my headband because I wanted to save it.  You get that, a wristband with your start time that they cut off when you get your t-shirt, a timing chip and plastic wristband to wear it on, a free beer wristband, and a discount code for registering for another race (or off apparel at the store online, I don't remember).  The festival area was on the beach.  The Marine Corps had a station set up with a push-up/pull-up contest, Navy Federal Credit Union had a booth, Spartan SGX did with a mini rope climb and a few other things set up for spectators to do, there was a merchandise booth (I got a hat), medical tent, beer, and I think some food you could buy.

Before my start we watched people on the rope climb, slip wall, and fire jump (the only obstacles you could see from the finish line) while I freaked out.  We also got to watch Team OEW walking to the start line, which was absolutely amazing.

Finally it was my start time.  You have to jump over a wall to get to the start line.  I think it was 6'.  And I needed help for it.  And let me tell you, that definitely put me into panic mode!  From there it was no turning back onto my 5.5 mile journey.  And what a journey it was.  Here's what we knew ahead of time for obstacles: Over Parachute Under Walls, Moats, O-U-T, Classified, 6' 7' 8' Walls, Hurdles A, Hurdles B, Monkey Bars, Atlas Carry, Inverted Wall, Classified, long stretch of running, Plate Drag, Classified, Big Cargo, Water Drudge, Sandbag Duck Carry, Z-Walls, Classified, Spear Throw, Classified, Bombs Over Barbed Wire, Clif Multi-Bar, Rope Climb, Slip Wall, Fire Jump, Finish!  The classified obstacles in order were: Hay Bales, Vertical Cargo, Ammo Can Carry, Bucket Brigade, Hercules Hoist.  This is not my video, but you can see a video of all the obstacles here.

Here are the obstacles I couldn't complete: 6' 7' 8' Foot Walls, Monkey Bars, Inverted Wall, Z-Walls, Spear Throw, Multi-Bar, Rope Climb, Slip Wall.  I attempted everything except the tall walls.  There were a lot of obstacles I got help on, too, but I did complete them.  I'm going to be completely honest right here and now - I did not do all of my burpees.  But I still fully consider myself both a finisher and a Spartan for this reason: I left everything I had on that course.  I could barely even stand up straight or see straight by the time I was done.  I physically had nothing left in my and I felt it was better and more beneficial for me to keep going through the race.

Now I know what I need to train more for next time (burpees, upper body strength, grip strength).  But I'm definitely doing another race, and my main goal now is to start embracing the Spartan lifestyle as much as I can! Now, please enjoy some pictures! Professional ones are first, then ones from me/my boyfriend.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

TotR: Tracking Devices

April from Run the Great Wide Somewhere, Patty from My No Guilt Life, and Erika from MCM Mama Runs host Tuesdays on the Run.  Today we're talking about tracking devices!

I have three main ones that I use.

Everday, I use my Fitbit.  I previously had the Flex and now have the Charge HR.  I love the accountability it can make me have, especially when I'm in a challenge with other Fitbit users! It really makes my competitive side come out and can push me to get more steps.  I will admit I rarely get to 10k unless I have a race and work in the same day, or a race that's a 10k or longer.  Sometimes I get scared when it buzzes at me!  My only complaint is that the HR monitor doesn't show nearly the burn/HR it should, but I know it's not entirely accurate and use it more for overall daily burn.

When I run, I use my Garmin Forerunner 220. I had the 10 before, but wanted a fancier device.  Mostly I wanted to eliminate the need for both a GPS device and HR monitor.  This was at a time I was very involved with calories in vs. out and had my Fitbit Flex.  I love the HR monitor because I can see if I'm pushing too hard.  I also love that it vibrates for my run:walk interval, which the 10 didn't.  Sometimes at races there are other people using the Galloway method and I need to know which beeps are mine!

The last device, which I don't use as much anymore, is my Polar FT4 HR Monitor watch.  Like I said, I used to be very involved with calories.  Sometimes if I'm going to be in an intense cardio session in the gym I'll want to know how many calories I burn, etc.  This one is mostly getting put on the back burner for now but I do love it! It's super lightweight and gives good data.

What devices are your favorite?

Monday, September 14, 2015

Weekly Update: Sept. 7-13

In order to start workout out more and have an actual weekly update, I'll start posting them on Mondays!  They're a fairly uneventful day for me so I think it's a good time to do it.

Monday, Sept 7: Went to the gym and did a Crush60 workout.  Started over since we hadn't done any in a while.  It was chest day and involved bench presses, multiple kinds of dumbbell presses, push ups, etc. 

Tuesday Sept 8: Tuesdays are my super busy days so I don't really forsee any workouts, honestly.  I student teach from 7 am to around 4 pm, depending on when the staff meeting gets out.  Then I have class from 6-8:45 pm.  It's a busy day!

Wednesday Sept 9: Got in a 3 mile run.  Almost had negative splits, but at least my last mile was my fastest!  Then back day for Crush60 day 2.  Deadlifts, pulldowns, rows, etc.

Thursday Sept 10: Boyfriend's little brother's birthday at a hibachi grill, Miyabi's.  No exercise.  I probably would have thrown up if I tried after dinner, and we picked him up from school and wouldn't be able to bring him to the gym before dinner.

Friday Sept 11: Better Booty/Leg Day.  Worst idea ever before a run.  Oh well! Multiple kinds of deadlifts and tons of hamstring curls!

Saturday Sept 12: 5k.  Tunnels to Towers.  It's a super intense race for me.  There's at least a third of a mile that has Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts lined up, each one wearing a picture of a firefighter that gave his life on 9/11.  This is the third year I've done the race and every year I cry.  Then work.  15k+ steps!

Sunday Sept 13:  Super tired from work and the race the day before.  Started to work on homework for the following week.  No physical activity.

Did you do anything fun this week?

Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday Five: Fall Races

MarCourtney, and Cynthia host Friday Five and today we get to talk about fall races!

I don't have a lot of big ones coming up, but a lot I'm excited about!

1. I just raced a XC Kickoff 5k.  It was all on grass and that was definitely a new experience for me! Ok so technically it's still summer, not fall, but it's totally fine. 

2. Run for Jane 5k tomorrow! It's going to be super hot and humid but I think it will be a really pretty course.  I've done this 10k before but when it was at a very different location.

3. Tunnels to Towers 5k on September 12.  The meaning behind this race is super intense, and this will be my third year running it.  If you've never heard of it you can read about it here.

4. Ft. Bragg Spartan Sprint on September 19! I'm absolutely TERRIFIED about this but excited too! I'm totally undertrained and I don't know how many obstacles I'll be able to do but we'll see what happens.

5. Rock and Roll Savannah on November 7. Maybe this is winter, not fall, but again it's fine ;) If I can get my butt in gear with training, I think I might be able to PR this race!

Do you have any exciting races coming up?


Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Five: 5 Things I Did This Summer

MarCourtney, and Cynthia host Friday Five, and today is talking about this that happened this summer! I'm going to let the pictures mostly speak for themselves this week.

1. I went to school.  It was brutal.  4 week semesters! They're normally 16.

I might have studied in a bar - sorry Mom and Dad!

2. I finished moving into my new place!

3. I ran a half marathon with my big sister!

4. I ate.  This is just a small selection of the food pictures I have from this summer.

5. Most importantly, I spent time with family! A week long trip with Mom, Dad, brother, sister (in law), and 2 nephews!

Did you do anything exciting this summer? My favorite time was when I was on vacation.  It was amazing to chill out for once and spend time with family I hadn't seen!


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

TotR: Runners I Admire

April from Run the Great Wide Somewhere, Patty from My No Guilt Life, and Erika from MCM Mama Runs host Tuesdays on the Run. And look! It's actually Tuesday.  Today we're talking about Runner Role Models or Runners we admire.

There are so many wonderful runner bloggers that I definitely look to as role models!  I don't really know enough about the "professional" running scene to look up to any of them, though there are many incredible women!

Three of the women I look up to most in this blogging community are PattyAmy, and Julie, for similar reasons.  They're all running moms, which I greatly admire.  They all have a love of Disney that I wish I could rival.  But most of all, they taught me there's nothing wrong with being a back of the pack-er.  In fact, they've taught me to be able to embrace it!  Amy, Julie, and Patty helped me see the more fun and social aspect of running; it doesn't all have to be about great speed.  



Another runner I greatly admire is Cynthia.  She's the mom I hope to be when I'm blessed with little ones of my own.  She's fast and more importantly, she's so dedicated to every aspect of her life.  She manages to balance being a mom, having a job, and staying in shape to not only run, but do triathlons!  Every time I read about her busy weeks on her blog, I get tired just thinking about it, so she must be exhausted.  I greatly admire her, both as a person and a runner.


While there are many more people I could add in here, the last one I will is Karen.  Not only does she run, she's also been a race director, which is something I would love to do some day!  She always seems very happy and positive.  Karen also does a lot for and in her community, which I think is fabulous!  Not to mention, she's a nurse, which is super demanding in many ways.


These are just a few of the many runners I read adventures about and look up to!  I tend to have "real" people as role models more often than professionals or celebrities, just because they're more relatable.

Who do you look up to in the running world?

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Friday Five: 5 Running Tips

MarCourtney, and Cynthia host Friday Five, and although this is a day late (sense a pattern here?), this week's topic is 5 Running Tips!

While I'm certainly not the most proficient runner, there are definitely some life lessons I've learned so far.

1. Get the right pair of shoes!!! I think any runner will tell you this, and it's so so important.  I started running in Nike Frees.  Such a bad decision! They've now retired to my weight lifting shoes and work just fine for that.  I then went to Asics, the GT 2000 model.  They worked pretty well for me, but I still had some arch soreness and tenderness for me.  We have a "natural" running store in the next town over, Georgia Game Changers.  It was there that I found Newtons, and I've fallen in love with them! I still get some arch soreness, but it's usually just when I'm undertrained, so I don't blame that on the shoe at all!

2. There are running clothes that are both comfortable and cute! I have thighs.  Big ones.  As much as I love cute little Nike, etc. running shorts, I just can't do them! They ride up and then there's chafing, and no one likes that.  I also live in Georgia, which means pants or capris just aren't an option the majority of the year.  I finally found SparkleSkirts which are long enough, never ride up, and are super cute! They also have really functional pockets.  I never run in anything else now!  The point is - find what works for you.  I thought if I couldn't wear the cute little shorts, I couldn't be cute running, and I was totally wrong about it.

3. You don't have to run every day to train for a race.  There are a lot of people out there that run 6 out of 7 days a week.  That's wonderful for them.  But it doesn't work for me.  I don't have the patience for it, quite frankly.  And I don't need to run that much to race well.  Galloway's plans call for 3-4 days of running a week and that works just fine for me!  It seems to be a theme - you just have to find what works for you, and not feel the need to do what everyone else is doing.

4. Running brings you into a great community.  There are bloggers I follow because of running alone that I've met in real life who are amazing people!  There are huge blog communities online, such as link-ups like this one.  Or on Tumblr.  Or on Facebook.  There are local running groups, or local chapters of national running groups such as RWB.  I definitely haven't taken as much advantage of these groups as I should have because I'm not the most social person, but they are available and definitely something all new runners should look into!

5.  It's ok to be last. It's ok to be slow.  A lot of the blogs I read are super fast runners.  They amaze me every time they post Garmin pictures after a training run, or race results on weekends.  I envy them, and I get jealous of their times.  Sometimes I feel disheartened comparing my times to theirs.  What I've learned over the years, and from doing small races, is that I am slow and sometimes I will come in last.  But also sometimes I'll place in races (and not by default!).  Just because I finish last, or close to it, doesn't mean I'm less of a runner or I ran a lesser race than those who came in first.  I ran my own race and did the best I could!

Running is definitely a great experience, but it's hard to go in to blind.  Well, at least for me.  Some people are natural runners and need barely any gear or help.  But the majority of us need support and help, and hopefully this can help someone!

What are your best tips?

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Old Port Shipyard Half

April from Run the Great Wide Somewhere, Patty from My No Guilt Life, and Erika from MCM Mama Runs host Tuesdays on the Run.  Today they are talking about Core Strength.  However, I'm horrible at doing core exercises and know nothing about them.  So you can take a peek at their blogs for some input on that, and I'll keep working on it!

In the meantime, I'm going to tell you about a race I've been meaning to tell you about! July 11 I was up in Portland, ME for another half with my big sister.  The one I ran the Savannah Women's Half with in March.  I flew up what was supposed to be Wednesday night, but ended up being Thursday morning, and came home the next Monday night.  We explored Portland and had tons of fun together!  

Friday night we went to a lobster bake.  Cori had to give me a lesson on how to properly deconstruct a lobster.  It's actually somewhat disappointing how little you get out of it...oh well! There was a band called Hello Newman playing, and it was a whole night of 90's throwbacks.  It was great, and helped to settle my nerves about the race the next morning.

As we were walking to the corral Saturday morning, I ran into my cousin Rob! I haven't seen him in at least 5 years, probably longer, so that was exciting!  We took off running and boy were we in for a surprise!  I knew it would be hilly, but it was so bad and painful!  Some places were straight up, and so many less were straight down.  Around mile 8 we got into Back Cove, which is a gravel trail.  This killed me.  Normally I love a softer surface to run on, but the extra effort of pushing off the dirt was killing me.  I don't think I ran at all after that. 

There was a woman I saw at the beginning and ended up walking the last couple miles together.  She usually organizes a 5k for her son who passed away, but couldn't bring together her own run this year, so she decided to run the half instead!  Her husband and other kids were waiting at the finish line and it was so touching to see.  

I was underprepared for this distance and for the hills, but I finished and that's what matters! 

What races have you done lately?