Mar, Courtney, and Cynthia host Friday Five, and this week is Five Good Things to celebrate Good Friday. I'm not much of a religious type, and I think I'm going with a little bit of a different interpretation.
Here are Five Good Things that I'll be focusing on doing this month!
1. Yoga at least twice a week - this will help manage my stress levels and help with my fitness. May 1 is the last day of classes, so this entire month is really turning into crunch time. As in I should be working on homework but instead I'm writing this blog post crunch time ;)
2. Running at least twice a week - I have lots of good races coming up that I want to be stronger and faster for. Unfortunately for me, this involves actually running! I want to reconnect with it before it's obnoxiously hot down here and I have no motivation at all.
3. Weight train at least once a week - I really want to get back into this. I've been neglecting the gym, which hurts both my wallet and my heart! Eventually this will be back to more than once a week, but there's a lot of other things going on this month, and I want to give myself an attainable goal.
4. Watch my micronutrients as well as my macros - I was doing pretty well on a low carb/high fat eating plan, but was sometimes left feeling light headed or dizzy. From what I've read, this is often attributed to a lack of magnesium, potassium, or sodium (or a combination). As I transition back to LCHF, I want to make sure I focus on these.
5. Work on homework every day - I always procrastinate and do everything last minute. I can't exactly do that with a 10 lesson unit plan that's due. I have a schedule of what to work on each day, but I'm actually already behind on it! I need to be able to break this into small chunks, for completion and my sanity.
These are the Five Good Things I'll be focusing on in April.
Do you like to set monthly goals, or yearly?