Saturday, May 25, 2013

Glow Run & Mile PR

Well, last night was the Glow Run, which turned into a definite fun-run instead of a race.  My boyfriend and I ran with a friend, but he started having knee issues.  This meant that we walked for probably just over half of it, technically only went 2.85 miles, and even had a 20 minute mile in there!  But it's a friend we don't get to see too often, and we had tons of fun, and we were glowing of course.

We saw one girl literally doubled over in pain in the middle of the course.  My first thought was "You're going to get run over!"  Then I found out that she wasn't even wearing socks, and she was trying to actually run!  Crazy, crazy people.

This morning was the Savannah Mile.  I had a tiny bit of soreness from last night, but nothing too bad.  It was nice and cool when we left to get downtown....and then the sun was fully up and it was a cloudless 70 degrees.  It doesn't sound like a lot, but I get wicked hot already when I'm running, so I think the heat did slow me down a little.  But I had a minute time of 11:43 according to my Garmin, 11:49 according to them (but it's gun time, not chip time).  I was hoping to be faster, but my first mile prior to this was 12:38, so I was content that I bumped it up.  I'm paying for it now with a sore hip, but I'm hoping it's just because I've been out of running for a little bit.

This upcoming week, I'm hoping to get running regularly.  I'm party of a gym, but I'd really rather run on the road.  The only problem is that there's no way this princess is waking up early enough to run before the sun, and my boyfriend isn't comfortable with me running at night, and the days are far too hot and sunny!  I'm hoping to thrown in some road runs on maybe an overcast/raining day.  We'll see how it goes!

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