Last night my boyfriend and I went to the gym, once he got home from work. It was the first time we've gone since we signed up, but I didn't feel too bad since we have free membership with the rent on our apartment. It feels weird to go to the gym inside of a mall, but it's close and 24/7!
I wore my Belle shirt from Raw Threads (I'm being Belle for the Princess Half), since I just got it. I love the shirt! It's light and does enough sweat-wicking to get the job done, but doesn't leave me with chills.
The before, of course =) |
I was going to warm up for 5 minutes walking at 3.5 mph, then alternate 2 minutes of 5 mph running and 3.5 mph walking. Well I got to my 2 minutes of running, and I felt great! A 12 minute mile pace didn't seem nearly as fast as it normally does. So of course, I had to test it. I made a mental note of how far I'd gone and how long I'd been running. I told myself "You just have to run 12 miles at this pace, make sure it goes a mile, then you can walk." I ended up running 20 minutes straight! I've never done that before in my life. It was a great feeling. Last time I ran I was having really bad foot and excruciating hip pains. This time my foot was pain free, and hip just slightly sore (worse when I started walking).
I'm excited about running again!
I think part of this was also from Spirit of the Marathon. My boyfriend and I saw the new one in theaters, and I absolutely loved it. It makes me wish I had the money and physical ability to go to Rome and run a marathon! Italy is at the top of my list of places I want to go (that I've never been before). It would be so amazing...but alas, just another dream. The next night I watched the first one on Netflix, and it was equally as amazing. I like that they don't just focus on the elite runners, but also new marathon runners. It's nice to see "normal" people doing the impossible!
Overall, I just feel really good about running right now.
Has anyone ever had a re-awakening like that?
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