Friday, December 20, 2013

Non-Running Thoughts

Well, I haven't run all week (but I am going to try for an 11 miler this weekend - my longest to date!).  I did go to a yoga class today, so at least I'm still moving!

My main reason for this is because I got a new tattoo!  It's a pretty om symbol with a lotus flower superimposed.

I do eventually want to do a post with all of my tattoos, but I don't have good pictures of all of them yet!  So be waiting for that in the future.  This is #7 for me.

In other non-running news, I'm going on a 12 Days of Christmas Bar Crawl tomorrow night, so that will be interesting!  We never go out and drink really because my boyfriend is slightlyyyy paranoid about it, so I'm excited to finally be able to!

I changed my major, and I'm super excited about it.  I mostly was doing nursing to keep my parents happy, and because there is pretty good job security.  However, I couldn't really see myself doing it forever.  Now...drum roll...I'm an Early Childhood Education major!  I absolutely adore working with kids, and I'm so so excited about it!  I think it will be great for me and I can really see myself doing it for my life.  I'm planning on also getting my master's in Early Childhood, hopefully right after I finish my bachelor degree.

I am doing a lot of reflecting on this past year, and the year coming up, but I haven't decided yet if I'll make a post about it yet.  I probably will though!  It's always interesting to me to read everyone else's thoughts.

I think this is enough random info for now.
Has anyone else been taking a running break lately?



  1. I took a running break a couple weeks ago…but only for a few days. I was in a running rut and didn't want to start half marathon training if I was already burnt out. So now, I'm feeling great :)

    I love that tattoo… I would love to get one, but I'm kinda scared haha. So I haven't committed yet...

    1. I'm excited about my run which will hopefully be tomorrow. I hope I still feel that way when I do it!

      And don't be scared of tattoos! I'm the biggest baby ever especially when it comes to pain and I can make it through! They're not that bad, I promise.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Gorgeous tattoo! I've got two and want to get another when I meet my weight goal.

    1. Thank you! I should set goals before I let myself get mine...but there are just so many I want!

  4. Cute tattoo!! I've been thinking about maybe getting one - something running/Disney related after doing the Dopey challenge in 2015. We shall see though.

    Congrats on your Major change! It must feel refreshing to be doing something you actually have a passion for now :)

    1. Thanks! I'm planning on getting a running one when I finish my first half. Well, when I finished my first half and then don't have races scheduled long enough for it to heal!

      And I am super super excited about it!! I'm actually looking forward to school this upcoming semester.

  5. That must be exciting to have changed your major to something you are interested in. I do understand the job security issue. Nurses are in much more demand than teachers right now. Too bad you couldn't be a school nurse at an elementary school. That would give you the best of both worlds!

    I have not taken a running break, but I have drastically reduced my mileage on each run!
